The Lifestyle Solutions Program is practical and effectively ideal in achieving a healthy range of physical composition, reducing body-weight, increasing physical performance, re-establishing neuromuscular facilitation (balance & stability), as well as maintaining all the bodies integrated systems for the longevity of your perpetual health-lifespan.
S.O.S. the Simple Optimal Solution module for wellness is a concrete approach to optimal detoxification, organ, and immune system wellness that is ideal for your daily, weekly, and annual optimal physical health for today and years to come.
B.N.C. the Balanced Nutrient Consumption program NEVER talks about calories, fat, or "points"! The primary focus of the LS365-BNC Solution is in the precise needs of your body's progress and goals. Balance Nutrient Consumption is a unique system that focuses on the solutions instead of the problems, overcoming nutrient deficiency and its related diseases permanently.
FLEX-101 this systematic approach and practical application of proper flexibility and corrective exercise techniques provides you with optimal performance and development of all of your body's muscles.
P.C.T. the Progressive Cardio Training module is a "get started now" systematic means of establishing effective cardiorespiratory health and complies with the respective parameters set forth by the American Heart Association.
F.C.T. the Functional Core Training module, consisting of four (4) core muscle development phases, delivers results that have proven to prevent future injuries in both life and fitness training, increase physical performance ability, and achieve positive physical adaptation week over week, month over month, and year after year.
F.I.T. the Functional Integrated Training strength and resistance training module complies with, and expounds upon, the parameters set forth by the top three most highly accredited national certification boards in Personal Fitness Training. Namely, the National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association N.E.S.T.A.), the National Academy of Sports Medicine (N.A.S.M.), and the National Council on Strength and Fitness (N.C.S.F.). This seven (7) phase workout and resistance training module features built in safety and progression parameters that are easy to understand and execute effectively.
How Does the Lifestyle Solutions Program Work?
The Lifestyle Solutions Program provides individual solutions delivering motivation, wellness, nutrition, and fitness that include education and skill-building activities to expand all areas of capability, confidence, and performance.
What Does the Lifestyle Solutions Program Accomplish?
Employing evidence-based solutions, the EMPOWER Series engages you to increase mental capacity to focus, balance your nutrition habits, improve neuromuscular facilitation, increase in lean muscle and reduce body fat. Ongoing personal health management and self-maintenance programs under the guidance of a PHC (or registered dietitian, exercise specialist, mental-behavioral health, physician, nurse, etc.) will continuously help you to achieve your very realistic goals!​
• Rehabilitation & Sports Performance Specialist
• 2x Certified Master Trainer
• Certified Advanced Personal Trainer (NESTA)
• Certified Personal Trainer (NESTA)
• Personal Fitness Trainer (NASM)
• Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist (PGA-Global)
• SME, Integrated Health & Education Infrastructure
• Texas, Advanced Mediator & Advanced Arbitrator
LS365, The Lifestyle Solutions Program & 28-Week Fitness Platform
• 97 pages of daily, weekly, & monthly Lifestyle Solutions Practical Application Disciples
• 176 page flexibility, cardio, care and strength training platform
• 20-week Comprehensive Rehabilitation & Sports Performance Program
• National 5-Star Fitness Standards by gender (male/female) and age ranges 17-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, and 50-54
• File size 12.0 MB (12,645,993 bytes)
The only comprehensive Lifestyle Solutions Program available that is compliant to the standards set forth by the PPACA and the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) detailing precise disciplines of the Critical 6 components needed to achieve optimal wellness, health, nutrition, and fitness. This is a great get-started-now, DIY transformation challenge for every facet of your health desired.